The Bespoke Wedding Ring

Posted on 24 August, 2015 by

Wedding Ring Bespoke Wedding A Real Story

I inherited a valuable jewel from my great grandmother—a timeless diamond ring that has held its priceless allure for decades, and I hope it will continue to do so in the future. While gold band diamond quarter-karat rings are commonplace today, they were a luxury in the 1930s. On June 4, 1939, my great grandfather presented this exquisite jewelry as a wedding gift to my great grandmother. Residing in London, the tradition of passing down the ring began in the UK.

The ring is adorned with ancient silver, adding to its uniqueness. Comprising two bands—one for engagement and the other for the wedding—it features nine diamonds intricately sewn like a soft lace. This was an uncommon design in an era where people typically only received a wedding band. A close examination reveals the age of the ring, having withstood the test of time and various challenges. The diamonds have lost some of their sparkle, and the gold and silver have dulled over the years. Despite being worn by several individuals, the ring has retained its overall appearance, a testament to the craftsmanship of ancient artisans and the quality of stones mined in the past.

The ring symbolizes a happy matrimonial union, yet it tells a story of change and transition. Unfortunately, my great grandmother experienced a divorce, prompting my grandmother to assume responsibility for safeguarding the ring. She held onto it even after my mother’s marriage, as my mother already wore an ancestral ring from her side of the family. However, tragedy struck when my mother lost her ring while disposing of household waste. Not wanting her daughter-in-law to be without a ring, my grandmother decided it was time to pass her own ring to her son’s wife. Thus, my mother received this ancestral ring as a replacement. As the only daughter of my parents, I anticipate wearing this ring one day. For now, it remains a beautiful symbol of our family’s history, adorning my mother’s finger with grace and significance.

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